Żak Ice Cream Shop

Grid Studio has been commissioned to bring this project to life in the Polish city of Osielsko, an ice cream parlour with a light atmosphere like a cloud. In this project they prioritize pink tones combining it with neutral colours and soft textures to achieve a pleasant and cosy space, inviting customers to spend more time.

As a point of attention and to achieve a more casual design, our Kromatika collection was chosen for the backsplash of the counter, combining grey with small pink touches, which, among the grey ones, shine as ice cream decorations.

Project detail

  • Kromatika (Floor & Wall tile / Porcelain tile)

Project: Grid Studio 

Żak Ice Cream Shop

Grid Studio has been commissioned to bring this project to life in the Polish city of Osielsko, an ice cream parlour with a light atmosphere like a cloud. In this project they prioritize pink tones combining it with neutral colours and soft textures to achieve a pleasant and cosy space, inviting customers to spend more time.

As a point of attention and to achieve a more casual design, our Kromatika collection was chosen for the backsplash of the counter, combining grey with small pink touches, which, among the grey ones, shine as ice cream decorations.

Project detail

  • Kromatika (Floor & Wall tile / Porcelain tile)

Project: Grid Studio