Equipe obtains the Healthy Product Declaration

Equipe obtains the Healthy Product Declaration 2219 2219 Equipe Cerámicas

Equipe Cerámicas obtains the HEALTH PRODUCT DECLARATION (HPD)

Equipe Cerámicas reaffirms its commitment to sustainability and transparency in the construction industry by publishing its Health Product Declaration (HPD).

Equipe Cerámicas manufactures its products using natural raw materials such as feldspar, sands, clays, and inorganic pigments. To ensure transparency in this matter, we have obtained a Health Product Declaration (HPD) .

A self-declaration about the chemical  product composition  through the user can verify the level and type of hazard related to the components of the products in construction 🔍.

 In addition, the HPD is recognized for awarding points in LEED sustainable building credits.

The HPD open standard is the most widely recognised and adopted standard for transparency reporting of building product content and associated health information.