El pasado mes de octubre Equipe recibió el premio a la “Sostenibilidad medioambiental”, en la primera edición de los Premios +Sostenibles + Responsables convocados por la Confederación Empresarial de la…
read moreAt EQUIPE we celebrate the 9th anniversary of the sustainable development goals and we do it by putting #TogetherFor SDGs with @pactomundial We raise the #SDG flag as a sign…
read moreEQUIPE CERÁMICAS INAUGURATES ITS FIRST 100% ELECTRIC KILN: A STEP TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY. On September 12, EQUIPE CERAMICAS presented its innovative 100% electric kiln at its facilities in Onda, Castellón. The…
read moreWe are part of the #EmpresasdelCambio of @pactomundial: we promote the circular economy revolution to counteract environmental challenges. At Equipe we are committed to transforming our commercial approach, adopting sustainable practices In…
read moreAs part of our commitment to society, our people and the environment, Equipe Cerámicas completed a thorough assessment of its business sustainability practices this year through EcoVadis, the global standard…
read moreDesde EQUIPE CERÁMICAS sentimos el orgullo de anunciar que ITALCER, grupo al que pertenecemos, se ha convertido en una Società Benefit (SB). Esto significa que, además de los objetivos habituales,…
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