Last May 28 Equipe had the honor of participating in the conference “Incorpora” an event that brought together representatives of the Valencian business sector, Confederation of Employers of the Valencian Community, CEOE Foundation and “la Caixa” Foundation to talk about the Social and Labor Insertion as a tool of Corporate Responsibility.
The companies that attended the event are part of the #Incorpora program, sponsored by the “la Caixa” Foundation. This program aims to help vulnerable groups find employment, offering an opportunity to those who need it most.
Equipe has been participating in this initiative for several years together with the Caritas association. During this time, we have helped seventeen people to access the labor market, betting on the inclusion of disadvantaged groups in our society in order to help them grow both personally and professionally.
Our colleague Raquel Bou, head of Human Resources, participated in the round table discussion, where she had the opportunity to share the rewarding experience of being part of these social initiatives.
During the day, experiences were shared among the companies participating in the project and the importance of these initiatives for society was discussed.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the people involved for their commitment and dedication. This type of collaboration is essential to build a more equitable future full of opportunities for the entire population.
Let’s keep moving towards a better and more inclusive tomorrow!